By Peter Duncan – Co-Train
As part of the project for Healthy Schools Powys, I was commissioned to run some INSET days for teachers on Physical Literacy and Circus for Early Years Practitioners.
The proposal was for me to run training days for staff from 40 education settings (primarily schools), across two days, in venues in mid-Wales.
With the pandemic, this was adapted to be done as online training. In the training, we explored issues around teaching Physical Literacy and Circus, and the participants then specified what they would like to see in educational videos created for the project (suggestions included that videos should be short, child focused, involve challenges, use vocabulary to parallel school messages etc.)
The upshots of doing the training online included increased participation – as 6 staff from one school could attend the online training, rather than training one teacher in person and then expecting them to disseminate the information. Staff also had ownership of the educational materials, as they co-designed them.
The videos were shot and distributed along with support materials on memory sticks to 100 educational settings (up from the 40 engagements in the original proposal).
The videos were used for classroom based work, and several schools chose ‘Circus’ as a topic to work on.
With many children learning from home now, the videos are providing a positive element in ‘live lessons’ and are being well received.
It seems likely the gains – online INSETS, participants commissioning and flexible materials – will be part of future proposals, perhaps in a hybrid along with face-to-face capacity building.
I am receiving positive feedback from schools on an almost daily basis.
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