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First, a few ground rules on what we can and cannot accept:

Any and all events, workshops, talks, conferences, festivals, skill shares etc. that could be of interest to anyone involved in youth circus, circus, movement, physical education, street theatre and outdoor arts, clowning, mime, physical theatre, dance, and all associated disciplines, as well as events specifically for young people, will be considered. Phew!

That being said, we are a youth orientated organisation, so we cannot accept listings that are in any way inappropriate for young people to view. This can include events that are adult in nature, as well as listings that contain inappropriate language or content. Listings will be accepted according to our discretion, and we reserve the right not to post.

In rare instances, we may decide not to accept a listing if it goes against our ethos or values, or undermines the work that we do.

If you have any questions or would prefer to speak a member of the team about your event, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

07976 676 564

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