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Performers Without Borders: Get Involved!


Jules Cooke

Jamie Moore

NoFit State Circus (Photo: Mark Robson @IneptGravity)

Performers Without Borders: Get Involved!

PWB Produces and More!

Got an idea for a social impact project? Come talk to us and we’ll help you get set up and running!

PWB-UK is looking for partners, funders and collaborators.

We have recently launched PWB-UK in order to teach disadvantaged children in the UK. In the future we are hoping to grow PUK, so that we can work with more disadvantaged children. We are also hoping to conduct research into the benefits of learning circus skills. To do this we need partner organisations to work with, funding bodies to sponsor our work and collaborators to support our research aims.

Currently we are looking for partnerships on the following three main areas:

  • Funding to run a series of circus skills workshops across the UK. This could be a trust fund, corporate sponsorship or individual large donations.
  • Partners who want us to come and deliver workshops to the disadvantaged kids that they already interact with.
  • Collaborators or funders to support us conducting research into the benefits of teaching circus skills to disadvantaged young people.

Come to our session to hear all about the work we have done, the work we continue to do, and how you can get involved!

When and Where?

This session will take place at Circomedia on Wednesday, 23rd February 2022, 3pm-4pm.

Jules and Jamie will be running the session in person.

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